Our Team

TaurusCoach makes it a priority to assemble capable, dedicated, and empathetic student advisors. Most of our advisors are Ph.D.-trained who use their scientific problem-solving skills to develop creative, innovative, and practical solutions for you. Our other advisors are current or recent students from top academic programs. They have recently been through the application process and have the latest first-hand knowledge.

Tanoj Meshram
Advisor of Promoting-Equity Programs
BS, Mechanical Engineering, GCOE Amravati India
MS, Public Management & Policy, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Ph.D., Social Policy, Brandeis University, Boston, MA, USA
Tanoj Meshram is social/public policy professional with over 23 years of experience in government, academia, non-profits, and anti-caste social movements.He has recently submitted his Ph.D. dissertation in Social Policy at Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. In his dissertation, using a qualitative case study of the implementation of RTE Act and SSA in Maharashtra, he is trying to answer why is there a gap between policy, implementation, and outcomes. This research is expected to help the policy makers and policy advocates to work together on policy and institutional reforms to improve the implementation and outcomes of not only education but also other social policies.
Keertik Fulzele, Ph.D.
BS, Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Dr. Fulzele is the co-founder of TaurusCoach and has guided hundreds of applicants for BS/MS/Ph.D. programs. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, with a BS in Chemical Engineering and completed Ph.D. at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Molecular and Cellular Pathology. He completed his research fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, and then was an Assistant Research Professor at Boston University in Boston.
Carlie McGrath
Director, Undergraduate Admissions
BS, Biology / Economics, Harvard College
I’m a sophomore at Harvard studying Biology/Economics, originally from Guadalajara, Mexico. I’m so excited to be a part of TaurusCoach’s team of writers and mentors, and I hope to help you highlight what makes you unique in your college application process! My extra-curricular interests include immigration rights, track and field, MUN and sustainability!
Justin Han
Advisor, Bachelor's Programs
BS, Statistics & Classics, Harvard College
Justin Han is a rising sophomore at Harvard. He was born in Los Angeles, US, grew up in Hong Kong, and went to boarding school in the US again. He is likely majoring in Statistics, with a minor in Classics. Outside of class, I’m interested in jazz, squash, food, and watching TV.