Curated Protocols
Organization Tools
Peer Mentors
Global Community
Data Analytics
Standardized Tests

Effective tools for better results.

Applying to college takes approximately a year and a half- from taking standardized tests and creating a college list to accepting a spot at the college of your dreams. At TaurusCoach, we help you manage the lengthy process with a sense of security and direction. We designed each of our  programs based on the belief in peer mentoring aided by powerful organizational tools.

Time and task management tools.

Included for Self-prep & Save members
Representative Timeline Planning
The image above shows a typical timeline and tasks planned for an applicant. The plan is developed by the student and their mentor to fit the applicant's schedule and goals. This system is flexible to accommodate changing plans, allows continuous monitoring and managing of the applicant's workload, and timely reminders as the deadlines near.

Some key features:

Pro version.

Your account has access to many of the's Pro version features such as timeline and Gantt views, automations, integrations.

Everything in one place.

All your to-do list items to reach application goals on one streamlined platform.  

Team sharing.

Add your mentor, parents, or other key people to your team so that they can help you along the way.

Weekly Newsletter.

Representative Timeline Planning

Data analysis.

The admission process is constantly changing- influenced by institutional, social, and political decisions. We use our weekly newsletter to keep you up to date on these adjustments.

How-to guides.

Our writers use their first-hand experience with the application process to make actionable guides for the most tedious parts of the admissions process.

Delivered weekly to your inbox.

Each week, a curated set of articles arrives directly to your inbox. The newsletter features how-to guides, spotlights of different US colleges/universities, essay reviews, news articles and much more.

Mentors who have walked the same path as you.

The best way to learn how to get somewhere is to learn from someone who has already been there. Most of our mentors are international students or alumni of some of the best US universities.

Connect through Zoom.

You can connect to our mentors from the comfort of your home. Our sessions are scheduled through

Task-oriented sessions.

Gold-Insider members have 18 hours of task-oriented 1-on-1 mentoring sessions, including sessions focused on essay editing and building a college list. Premium-Insider members can obtain discounted mentoring sessions to fit their specific needs. We also offer 1-1 mentoring sessions paid for by the hour.

Expert and passionate mentors.

Zoom demoUniversity logos of our mentors
Most of our mentors are students or alumni of some of the best universities in the US. They have gone through the same path as internationals. The mentoring sessions are conducted through

Private community of other applicants & mentors

The Self-preparation Journey Is Hard.
Doubts. Loneliness. Knowledge gaps.
No direct access to experts. No fellow applicants for support.
No accountability partners. Unsure about the path. No one to celebrate your successes.

Community makes it easier.
Inside the community, international applicants like you come together to support one another,
get answers to burning questions, learn from experts, share ideas and challenges, and more.

Find a program that fits your needs

We don’t believe that one type of mentoring fits all students, which is why we’ve created four unique services to ensure each student can receive the personalized help they need. Learn more about our programs below, and browse what programs suit each fictional student below.
Learn About Our Programs


Mei is a student in her second-to-last year of high school, looking to apply to colleges in the United States. She feels she has great organizational skills, and has already started writing essays for her applications. She plans to apply to a handful of colleges, so she knows that by preparing well in advance, she will be able to complete her applications in time. However, Mei is concerned that she may miss important information about the college application process in the United States. Her family is especially concerned about the complex process of applying for financial aid as an international student.

We recommend: Premium-Insider Program
Mei can get weekly information about applying to the US directly in her inbox. An all-access pass to TaurusCoach content allows Mei’s family to watch webinars on specific parts of the application process, including applying for financial aid.

Explore Premium-Insider


Tanya is in her second-to-last year of high school, and she is one of the only students at her high school that is applying to college in the United States. Because of this, Tanya feels overwhelmed by all the different aspects of the application. While she has some schools in mind she will apply to, she would like the opportunity to explore other options.

We recommend: All-Inclusive Program.
Tanya would benefit most from joining our flagship, year long program. This program would give her full access to all TaurusCoach content, so that she can explore the different aspects of applying to college. Regular meetings with her student-mentor will help her make a broader college list and guide her through the whole process. Furthermore, Tanya and her family will have access to live webinars to get to know more about applying to college.

Explore All-inclusive

Looking for end-to-end guidance...

It’s October, and Aditya is in his last year of high school. He has been writing college application essays for a while, but isn’t sure he is portraying himself accurately through these essays. He wants to talk to an expert who has been in his position to refine both his personal statement and his college-specific essays.

We recommend: On-Demand Mentoring
By scheduling appointments with one of our student-mentors, who are experts in college writing and have gone through the process of applying themselves, Aditya would get the chance to perfect his essays within his own time frame. Aditya may also book an appointment with a mentor to make sure he is portraying himself in the best possible light throughout his application.

Explore Personalized Mentoring