On-demand Mentoring.
Hourly one-to-one mentoring whenever you need it

Get expert guidance from our advisors at any time during your application cycle and on any topic that you find challenging. This is helpful for students who are self-preparing.

Before the scheduled meeting, we will request your application materials, including academic records, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, essay samples, sample recommendation letters, financial planning, and career goals (if available). This will help our mentors prepare for the meeting and get to know you better. Most sessions are divided into two 45-minute calls. The first call is to know your background, goals, and ambitions; and brainstorm ideas to build your profile. The second call is to design a specific action plan or complete the goals of the mentoring session.

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below are some of the challenging areas for which applicants have engaged our 'On-demand Mentoring' sessions

Strategic Planning

Admission to the right program is a match made in heaven. Find your niche as an applicant, and develop strategies to showcase your best and unique attributes. Our mentors learn about your aspirations, understand your background, and then help create a strategic plan to get there. You can then execute the plan on your own, or return later for feedback and readjustment on your progress, or join any of our end-to-end programs.
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List of Programs to Apply

While the ultimate goal is to get into your dream program, the ultimate disaster is not getting into any of the 10-20 programs you applied to. Our mentors help you learn what to look for in a program, evaluate the chances of getting admission and make an educated-guess list of programs to apply based on your academic performance, extracurricular activities, and personal goals.
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Essay Consultation

Our experienced peer mentors can help you brainstorm ideas for your personal statement and essays, in addition to helping you refine your voice. Make sure you are turning in your best writing with the help of our mentors.
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Application Review

Walkthrough each section of the Common or Coalition applications to make sure you are highlighting your honors and extracurricular activities. These applications usually bring up a lot of questions, so ask away!
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Interview Preparation

For some programs, interviews are the essential component to a successful admission. These are opportunities to make a strong first impression and can be difficult if you do not know what to expect. We help you prepare and practice interviews to succinctly summarize your achievements but also highlight your personality.
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Extracurricular Activities

Internships, research experiences, volunteering, and other extracurricular activities demonstrate your passion and skills. On-campus clubs or summer camps are popular, but the possibilities extend much beyond that. We help you brainstorm possible activities, design the goals, and steps to get there.
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